Tuesday, February 12, 2013

You mad, bro?

This is one of my favorite things to say lately. Sure, it's a meme. Sure, it's really stupid and doesn't mean much.

My friend says that there is no good response. Because you either say 'no I'm not mad' and you sound mad, or you say 'yeah I'm mad' and then you sound stupid. 

You mad, bro?

Check andddddddddddddd mate.

The truth is, however, that I am mad.

I still feel uncomfortable with the directionless of my life. 

I wrote earlier about Nietzsche and his claim that man's life must ultimately be squandered, that it is the 'feeling above all feelings'. He is probably right. 

Why this life over that life?

Why this choice over that choice?

Reason is a tempting mode of thought, and the relativism that emerges from it is hard to deny.

Yet I deny it.

I fight it.

And this is a problem that I might have with Nietzsche. He was living in the thick of the Enlightenment's collapse. He felt so clearly that the work of the Enlightenment had left us groundless. He knew that the West's commitment to reason was thoroughly bankrupt and would never help us live better.

But I think Nietzsche doesn't push enough at the idea of truth. 

I admit, I haven't read enough Nietzsche. I've only read his early writing. Perhaps he came to an idea of truth, an antidote to relativism.

What I'm really expressing here is my own desire for truth, my conviction that there is a reality that ought to be pursued.

I don't know how to specify this truth. But I believe that there is a kind of truth that needs to be pursued.

We need to ask if there is such a thing as truth.

I saw an article that argued that Romney was running a 'post-truth' political campaign.

Either way, I unequivocally reject relativism. I'm not having this willy nilly 'ain't no goodness' business.

Some things are better than other things.

There is such a thing as goodness.

There is such a thing as truth.

Deal with it.

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