Monday, November 5, 2012

Language, Mindfulness, and Homeopathy

I can't get outside my own head. I think too much.

I'm very verbal, and I constantly render everything into narratives. Sometimes highly distorted narratives. I do it so quickly and effortlessly that I lose touch with reality and I find myself living in a narrative rather than being in the moment.

My tendency to narrate threatens my ability to be mindful.

Yet I find myself trying to use language to overcome my addiction to language.

I seem to be turning towards the poison in the hope that it will suddenly become the cure.

Then I remembered how homeopathy supposedly works, or how vaccinations work, perhaps.

Maybe this is a metaphor that can help me conceptualize the way I want to use language.

Maybe I can find a way to use to language to leave language behind.

Seems like a pipe dream.

I gotta try meditating.

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